2020 has been ... a year! I for one, and I'm sure like most of you, are very pleased to say goodbye to 2020. Its been a challenging year for all with illness, job losses and cancelled plans. Lockdowns, boredom and worry. But its also been a year for growth, time and space. I for one have cherished these things.
I have seen quite a few posts popping up on my social media accounts talking of the mass cancellation of new years resolutions. About giving yourself a break and space to start 2021 slowly. I completely agree, 2020 has been a hard year and there is no point setting resolutions if they bring you more stress than good. However, I love making my resolutions each year. I enjoy focussing on what I have achieved and what I want to carry forward into the next year. I enjoy reflecting and looking at my 'bigger' life goals.
This last year has been difficult and the next seems so uncertain. Usually I would be looking forward to travelling more and meeting up with family and friends but this year has been very different and it looks to be a bumpy start to 2021. So with that in mind, here is my (COVID safe, applicable and achievable) list of 2021 resolutions.
I think its very common for people to set new years resolutions focussing on how they can live a healthier lifestyle. They all rush to the gym January 1st with all the gear and all the best intentions. However, I have fallen out of love with exercise recently and found myself internally battling to get off my sofa and into my trainers. Instead, my resolution this year is to build a healthier relationship with exercise. I want to exercise to feel good. To exercise when I want to and how I want to. Whether that's a run or a game of Just Dance! Whether its hiking, swimming, kayaking, whatever! If my body tells me its time for TV and a pizza then so be it. Exercise should be enjoyable and not the cause of internal battles.
I have also set the goal of going 100% vegetarian for January. I have been trying to eat veggie for half of my meals in 2020, for both health and environmental reasons, and think I have mostly stuck to it! I am looking forward to the challenge of going veggie for January and seeing how I feel. I'm hoping it will give me the opportunity to build my 'meal menu' to take forwards into the rest of the year.
The environment
I want to be more environmentally aware in 2021. I love being out in nature. It is when I feel the most at peace. My residential area will be starting using a food waste scheme which I will definitely be getting on board with. I have also just ordered my first menstrual cup and I am looking forward to seeing how I go with it! I've always been a bit nervous to give them a go but I cannot ignore the huge amounts of period products that go into landfill each year. So here's to me trying that out!
Mental Health
Big detox time and no I don't mean a juice cleanse! I'm going to go through all of my social media accounts and have a good unfollow session. Social media can bring a great deal of connection but also comparison. Having boundaries is key and this is me setting mine. I also want to sort through my belongings and get rid of things that no longer bring me joy. Sometimes I think that life can feel cluttered with stuff! Hopefully this will help bring some space.
Keep facing my fears. I am a very anxious person and this year I started something that terrified me... teacher training. Its the hardest thing and every day I feel scared. But it is helping me move towards what I want to do. I feel a deep sense of purpose and it brings me joy. I want to keep facing those things and not letting them hold me back.
I would like a weekend routine. Now that sounds so dull but hear me out. My dad walks to his local bakery every Saturday morning and buys a croissant and the paper and walks back. Its his little ritual he does and to be honest I'm jealous. So 2021 you are the year for a weekend morning routine. I'm thinking, special breakfast of some description, pot of tea, movie and a face mask. I think this will be a good moment to ground myself when the rest of life gets busy. This will be a time each week to recharge and reflect.
While I'm talking about routines I WANT THEM ALL. I think we all experienced how beneficial routines are in managing our moods. Thus, I want to get a hold of routines wherever I can. I'm talking when I workout and what (e.g. Wednesday night Just Dance session) Although, this links to my exercise resolution, I wont say how much. 1 dance or 20 it doesn't matter. I want to schedule time for meditating, reading or journaling into my daily life. I think having those 15 minutes to just sit can be so powerful.
Now this is the big section this year!
I've set myself the challenge of
reading 12 books in 2021. I listed them all on my previous blog post if you would like to see what I chose (
12 books I'm excited to read in 2021)! I am looking forward to making this a priority every evening. I have always loved reading but sometimes I find it hard to get into when scrolling through Instagram seems to much easier. So down with the phone and up with the book!
I also want to write my own book, or start one. I started to write a book during lockdown but am unsure whether I am going to continue with it or try to write a childrens book. Its always been a dream of mine to get a book published but I have always felt it too big a task to start. Well this year is the year.
In the same tone, writing more in general. I love writing on this blog and I want to try and do more this year as well as taking more pictures with my camera for my posts. This space helps to satisfy my creative side and helps balance my life.
So those are my resolutions this year! What are you planning to do in 2021? Are you making resolutions or just taking each day as they come? Whatever your goals, I wish you all a happy, safe and rewarding 2021.
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