Hello again everyone!
How have all of your weeks gone?
Mines been absolutely, unbelievably shocking… Its been one
of those weeks where you wonder if the world is trying to spite you. 12 hours
of typing up data was enough to start off my week in a bit of a huff, followed
by a cancelled lecture… I was not a happy bunny. After a not so great
presentation, a stressful driving lesson, software not working and probably
another 15 things iv tried to forget, I am back here again a week later. Everything
has been more difficult than it should have been and its left me feeling all
together quite annoyed. So sitting down to write this is making me feel a
little better… even though the clocks have changed and its now dark at 5…..why.
Enough of that rant. Good things have happened!
I went out on Friday night with my friends and stayed over
the night. It was really good to let my hair down and relax for a day after
such a hard week.
Also I carved this loooovely pumpkin. Look how cute it is :D I toasted all of the seeds in the oven. Delicious.

(150 degrees for 10-12 minutes with a dash of oil and scattered with salt).
But moving from all the fun that’s been my last week lets discuss
a day that promised such fun…. The fair.
Lets rewind back to myself at 9am that morning. Head
pounding and uneasiness in my stomach. That all too well known feeling of
alcohol rotting your insides. Well yes that was me. But still in my haze I decided
that the fun fair would be well… fun.
It started off very well! I enjoyed losing money on the
machines (idk whether that’s sarcastic or not...) and having chips by the sea
side. All was going swimmingly. Watching sea gulls the size of dogs parade the
paths and repetitive dings of the arcade machines. Then I had a very very bad
idea. The kind of idea that makes no sense. The one you look back at yourself
and wonder what on earth you were thinking…. The waltzer.
Now every other time I have been on the waltzer ride its
been great. Not today. Oh no it wasn’t. Started all very well. Oh so much fun I
was having. And then I wasn’t, very quickly I wasn’t. I swear this waltzer was
on turbo. I was lifting very slightly off the seat and staring blankly in
front. Face going pale and stomach churning I decided this wasn't my best idea. Between shouts of ‘weeeee’ and ‘MAKE IT STOP’ followed by whimpers and side ways glances at my boyfriend I staggered
off the ride after the ride operator asking if I was okay. Definitely was not
Not a good idea again
But doughnuts tasted SO good.
So here we are at the end of another tragic story and an
equally tragic feeling week. What's the lesson learnt I hear you cry? Dizzy and
hung over is NOT a good combination and sometimes fun just isn’t meant to be. But
it will be again! Promise :D
Sat in my pjs about to drink a big mug of tea and a biscuit
to reflect on the week and (hopefully) better tackle the next!
Happy Halloween!
Lozzy J
Your pumpkin is so cute! And those donuts look so amazing, I definitely need to treat myself to proper seaside donuts soon!
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