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10 things 2020 has taught me so far

This year has been strange for all of us. Some people enjoyed the time off, some hated the lack of structure. Some loved spending quality time with loves ones, others felt claustrophobic. Some of us felt all of this and more. But you know what, I learnt a lot. I learnt a lot about myself that I didn't already know and i'm sure many of you can resonate with some of these points. 

  1. I found out that keeping busy was my way of blocking things out. When everything stopped and I could no longer keep filling all my time with 'stuff' I found that I felt quite uncomfortable. Unaddressed demons kept popping up for the first few weeks. This time made me stop and address things I had otherwise would have kept putting off further. It felt healing to let things go and focus on me.
  2. Work does not define me. Your job is a part of you, yes, but it is not everything about you. You should not tangle your self worth up in anything that is outside of you. 
  3. I found out what I really enjoy. I found sitting in the garden a soothing escape. I enjoyed craft activities and reading books. I even took up knitting! I loved spending time on walks and watched a lot of Disney films. 
  4. I enjoy sharing my mental health tips and connecting with people on my Instagram account (@JustLozzy). I love sharing my mental health management days on Monday (through my stories) and enjoyed reading all of your comments and tips. Without lockdown, I wouldn't have started this account. I'm so glad I did. 
  5. I need structure. Creating routines help me to feel more in control. Being productive is really important to helping me feel good.  
  6. I spend way too much time on my phone. Lockdown increased my social media use and decreased my mood. I learnt how to better manage my free time to suit me.
  7. I feel more grateful for the little things. Sitting with the sun on your face sipping a cuppa, clean sheets, candles, nature walks, laughing with loves ones. They all seem more significant now. Its almost as if the world needed to remind us all of what is really important. 
  8. I am better at accepting my emotions and practising mindfulness. What an emotionally challenging year this has been. I have learnt to better understand my emotions and to let them be. I feel more educated on mental health and have made a conscious effort to research, keep informed and connect more. I feel more confident in myself and my abilities after implementing these strategies.  
  9. Letting go of things I cannot control. I learnt to let go of things that stressed me that I could not change. I have gotten better at taking things as they come. 
  10. I reassessed my goals and set new ones. Lockdown gave me the opportunity to take a step back and reflect on where I am and where I want to be. I feel very grateful for the reflective time it has given me to find my greater purpose. 

What have you learnt so far this year?



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