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Hello 2018!!!!

Hello 2018!

I don’t know how this year went so fast but when I look back at everything that happened this year its seems like I would have needed years to get it all sorted! I went on a holiday to Majorca and up to the lake and peak districts, I passed my driving theory, passed second year uni, did lots of exams and coursework, went on a holiday with my boyfriend to Exmoor, did a placement at an ecology consultancy, started this blog, had field trips with my friends and generally just crammed the year full of things!

I hope you all had a great 2017 and a great time celebrating new years. I spent the evening with my boyfriend and his parents and savage cat watching tv, playing board games and eating and drinking the night away.

Now back it up a week and it was the joys of Christmas and I thought I would share on this blog post some of the gifts I was lucky enough to receive as some may spark some ideas for using up those gift cards or money received as present’s oooooor if you just feel like treating yourself! Also I thought I would share with you some goals I have set for myself for 2018.


 I received some Zoella bath collection gifts which I will really enjoy trying out over the next month. I also got some Christmas bath bombs. They are so sweet. I already tried the Christmas tree oil and it felt so lovely on the skin and had a very zesty piney scent which differs from the traditional sweet scents of lush at Christmas time. I am particularly looking forward to using the little snowman and present!


I received two books this year which I am VERY excited to read and have already started both. The first is wonderland. It’s a diary form of book with each day describing changes in British wildlife throughout the year. This is a real aim of mine this year to make sure I read the passage of the day every day of the year. I’m intrigued to see what they highlight as a few species listed I haven’t heard of before. I feel like it’s going to be a great habit of mine to read the passage before bed every night as it’s only a page or two every day. Set ATTAINABLE goals people.
The other book I got was John Greens new book Turtles all the way down. I love John Greens writing style and I have read and own many of his books so I’m really excited to see where this one takes me!
I also received the harry potter series some years ago but only got around to reading the first book. I'm hoping that this year I get back into my reading and hopefully read a book (on top of wonderland) every month for the year… we shall see how that resolution lasts….


I was lucky enough to receive some beats headphones and I couldn’t quite believe it when I opened them. I even went out and bought holtz’s ‘The Planets’ which is a classical cd in order to really appreciate the quality of sound and I wanted some classical music anyway.


I received a diary which I do every year and I find them so helpful in not only organising my weeks but also just writing to do lists for the day. I believe that this is a must have for starting off an organised and productive year. I also got gifted this goals journal which is a great idea. On each month theres 4 goals you can set yourself and it helps you to organise how you will complete them within the month. I think this is a great way of setting new years resolutions but also thinking of them on a month by month basis as a way to build up instead of jumping into January with huge goals. For example for this month ive set a few goals including doing two exercises a week. I have before got up to doing 3 to 4 a week but I thought starting with 2 this month would help me ease into it after so much lazing around over Christmas. Also I have set smaller goals such as drinking a certain amount of water a day or reading every second day and so on. I'm also scheduling in times to do what makes me happy. This is something I have really benefitted from this past year and I suggest that you do the same. Setting aside some time to read, paint, play x box or whatever you love to do helps to find balance in the hectic lives we all lead. This is something I’m bringing forward into 2018. My friend also bought me some mindfulness cards which I’m excited to use especially around exams.

I also received some weights, chocolate, a calendar and some beautiful mugs as well. What a lucky girl I am J. Id love to hear what you received for Christmas!

Now I think its time to write an open letter to myself;

To me,

Be kind. Not only to others but also to yourself. This year is a tough one. Dissertation is lingering and coursework needing doing. Soon will be driving test, exams and then graduation then moving out then first graduate job and so on. I can’t wait to look back on this coming year and see all of the things that I have achieved. Don’t linger too long on unimportant things and spend more time focussing on not just career important things but also family as this can sometimes be seen as a given instead of a necessary and equally important part of life, If not more so. Looking at all the things that need doing seems overwhelming but I’m sure this time next year I’ll be sat typing another one of these and wondering what I was ever worrying about.

From me.

I wish you all the best for the coming year and I hope 2018 bring success and happiness to you all.

Love Lozzy



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