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Just keep swimming

Hello hello,

Heres my first blog post. Seemed fitting to start something new on the 9th of October…. Anyone? Well I’ve been having the burning desire to chit chat and document my thoughts, ideas, mishaps, adventures and maybe even a sprinkling of advice for good measure. So here we go. Strap in folks. This is definitely going to be a bumpy ride so bear with me….

Well happy Monday. Today consisted of my theory driving test which phew I passed! Whoop whoop for me. But as anyone who knows me knows all too well, my stress levels are something that without… well…. I wouldn’t be me. So with stress levels still high but with a sense of success seeping in, I plodded through the ever coldening (not a word but should be) English weather to catch my train. Always busy. Like its midday on a Monday. What are you all doing.

Anyway as I slumped into a chewing gum covered seat I rested my arm on the arm rest. But it wasn’t an arm rest. It was a poor unsuspecting middle aged mans knee who was sat behind me. With this, he mouse squeaked a shocked ‘sorry’ my way. My body had accidentally invaded someone’s space and in turn my own.  I spent the rest of the journey sinking lower and lower into my grim seat and wondering how I do this to myself all too often. So this felt like the perfect time to say welcome to me, hope you enjoy!!!

Anyway now with the theme of trying to keep pushing on through or as dory would say “just keep swimming” here I be at an aquarium… smooth transition *please hold applause till the end*.

Me and my boyfriend went for a trip into London a little while back. We don’t travel into London at all really so we thought it would be a nice ride on the train and a cute date idea. Spent 20 mins at a tube stop trying to work out what way we were supposed to be going… yes we are those people. But with success putting a pep in our step we did the whole posing outside big ben thing and walked across to the sea life centre with dreams of colourful fishies galore for our eye balls. Turned out it was shut… due to flooding. Ik the SEA life centre was shut due to FLOODING. Ironic ik…

And do you know what's even MORE ironic. We returned later and were evacuated due to a fire alarm. A FIRE alarm for the SEA life centre…. Enough said.

Later that day we got to look at all the fish the sea life had to offer. One note to make clear… sharks do not have visible bits if you know what I mean. However confused you may seem.. they don’t apparently…

Took my snazzy camera and spent most of my time taking snazzy pics being a snazzy photographer I like to believe that I am. Spent an uncanny amount of time looking at jelly fish, rays and sea anenomies (jealous of that dip dye style though ---->).  
It was a really lovely visit and was lovely and peaceful to sit by huge tanks and watch fish float, sharks scurry, weed wave and turtles …. T,t,t,… talk?
Disclaimer – turtles didn’t talk

It was a really lovely day out and I managed to leave with way too many photos of fish and a large desire to own a fish tank wall in a future house maybe?

So for anyone with high stress levels here's the moto to this post.

1)      Go to an aquarium and stare at fish for an instant relax

2)      Or “just keep swimming” metaphorically or literally

3)      Or cry a tank worth of tears

Either way thanks for reading!

Lozzy J


  1. Great first post! Definitely put a grin on my face. Also couldn't go to SEA LIFE in Sydney due to flooding, who would have thought ae!

  2. Thank you for reading! And ikr hahaha

  3. Hey I found you though Louise's blog! I love this post your sealife photos are so cute ��
    Latest blog post : Decorating our flat for Halloween ��

  4. Heya. Thanks for reading my post. I'll defs check out your newest post. I am planning on moving in with my boyfriend next year so any decoration ideas get me really excited ��


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