The Midnight Library follows the life, death and the in-between of the main character Nora Seed. Nora is displeased with her life, the countless what ifs and regrets. Noras negative internal monologue is one in which most of us will find familiar. But Nora, through death, learns why she wants to live.
I love the way Matt explored what it means to live a good life through such an imaginative story line. Matt carefully weaved life lessons so seamlessly into the plot line which created a book that did not feel like a self help book, but taught many lessons that will stick with me. The characters were warming and likeable but not in a 'perfect' way. Noras self reflective journey felt real, timely and attainable. This book was both thought provoking and warm.
I recommend this book to people that have felt low at any points in their life. Anyone looking for a little light. Anyone looking for a little direction whilst still enjoying the format of a novel.
This book sounds cool, I haven't been reading for a while but I do enjoy a good rea.