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Autumn reflection

Happy Monday folks!

Where has this last week gone? In fact, how has autumn nearly come and gone! Scarfs, candles, pumpkins, warm drinks and leaves, this time of year is so lovely.

This season is always one for getting back into the swings of uni/school work and coming to terms with the fact that summer is now a distant memory, the nights draw closer and the weather gets more and more dreary with each coming day…. Yay? But after a few years of study, I feel like I have got into the balance of life/work but every year September brings around the challenge all over again. With what feels like mountains to do, sometimes the things I enjoy seem to slip. So, having just been set 5 projects all due by December, I thought now would be a good time to outline what I find are the best ways to manage those stressy times but still get what needs to be done… well… done!

1)      Lists – an old but true suggestion. Write everything down. The stress of forgetting something is gone and usually the act of writing down the task makes it seem that much smaller.

2)     Baths – now when everything seems too much taking out a bit of time for ‘me time’ I think is the best thing to do. Taking out even just half an hour to soak, read a book and pamper myself really feels like a treat. I feel recharged and ready to start the next task with half the amount of stress! I have been really enjoying this bubble bar pumpkin from Lush. So seasonal, I KNOW! Paired with a candle and its hard to stay awake.

3)     Reading – I have managed to just finish a book called ‘All the light we cannot see' that has been on the go since June! Found that taking time out to loose myself in a book is a nice escape. I'm hoping to keep this going for the rest of this month and into the next. Next on the list is finishing ‘H is for Hawk’. Any other book suggestions are greatly appreciated J

4)     Cup of tea – and no I don’t mean the standard tea. I mean get a mug that makes you feel fuzzy, take the time to make a brew and really sit and enjoy it. I learnt this trick while taking a mindfulness course at my university. This explained how important it is to see the little joys in life by really observing something you are doing. To bring you back into the present moment and away from that assignment that’s due in 4 weeks. I find that this gives my brain the chance to just breathe and take notice to what’s bothering me and give them the recognition they crave. I find that this is the easiest way to meditate without taking any time out of my day (If you would be interested in a mindfulness post let me know!)

5)     Time off – that assignment that’s ongoing and that test coming up probably feel like they deserve every moment of your waking hours. Or at least they do for me. I’ve found that forcing myself to have days off really helps me to be more productive in the long term. Sitting at a desk all day everyday usually equates to me staring out the window or losing all interest in the topic I was revising. Taking a walk during the day helps to clear my mind but also making sure to take a full day off a week has really helped me as it’s something I look forward to.

6)     Treat myself as I would expect others to treat me. Kindness is definitely the key to de stressing. Most of the time it’s the pressure we put on ourselves that makes the task seem larger. Taking time out when its needed and rewarding yourself for achievements is a must to stop yourself from burning out.

7)      Family time  - this is one that I never remember as a task that needs doing because I do it all the time. But taking time to have days out with family or friends is a really good way of grounding yourself and remember what’s really important and to look at the bigger picture!

With that thought in mind, I went for a day trip to Westonbirt Arboretum with my boyfriend and his family. It was really lovely to look at all of the autumn leaves and have coffee and doughnuts. YUM! I also enjoyed collecting some of the fallen leaves and pressing them to keep. It was really lovely to enjoy autumn in all of its colours, breathe in a breath of fresh air and really relax for the day and to signify the changing of the seasons.
 Some pictures taken by Dark_Matter97



What do you do to wind down and de-stress? Any autumn adventures happened or planned? I’m going to follow my own advice and make a cup of tea and watch the first autumn watch. How exciting!

Lozzy :)


  1. Hey, Lozzy
    I love this post!
    I know its really bad but i usually listen to Christmas music around autumn when I get a little bit stressed!
    Rose x


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