Hello again everyone! How have all of your weeks gone? Mines been absolutely, unbelievably shocking… Its been one of those weeks where you wonder if the world is trying to spite you. 12 hours of typing up data was enough to start off my week in a bit of a huff, followed by a cancelled lecture… I was not a happy bunny. After a not so great presentation, a stressful driving lesson, software not working and probably another 15 things iv tried to forget, I am back here again a week later. Everything has been more difficult than it should have been and its left me feeling all together quite annoyed. So sitting down to write this is making me feel a little better… even though the clocks have changed and its now dark at 5…..why. Enough of that rant. Good things have happened! I went out on Friday night with my friends and stayed over the night. It was really good to let my hair down and relax for a day after such a hard week. Also I carved this loooovely pumpkin. Look how cu...
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