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Pony Land

Me and my boyfriend went on our first holiday together to Exmoor national park. We spent 5 days camping on a farm near Porlock which was especially good for the local pub (Beer and pie? YES PLEASE).

We started off our holiday by setting up the tent and getting everything organised which took kind of forever but then we had our little house all ready to go (and without even starting a domestic)!

We went to Dunster castle and had a really lovely time exploring the grounds and looking out at the views from the roof garden. We also enjoyed a tea in the greenhouse café. It was a really beautiful day and the gardens flowers were all in bloom. We also went on a tour of the Victorian kitchens which was really interesting although we were the only 2 under 40!  We had a look at Porlock weir which was a really quaint fishing village which was nice for a nosey and had nice views along the coast.


The next day we had quite the adventure going to Lynton and Lynmouth. We really enjoyed the train ride up to Lynton with beautiful views of the bay. We then decided to walk down and go to see the valley of the rocks. This was well worth a visit with 180 degree views of the sea with large drops to the waters edge. This was a really rugged landscape and very open so luckily the weather was on or side! The walk down was quite steep and slippery which I found out the hard way by falling on my backside...typical.  


We then had calamari and chips and bought some fudge too. Would be rude not to!

The drive from Lynmouth back to Porlock, along the coast, was breath-taking. Views of the ocean and open moorland were beautiful and we also got to see ponies too!

We took a walk up Selworthy beacon which was a trek! Well worth it for the views at the top and the nice walk up there through the heathland. With an injured ankle this proved quite the task but luckily the boyfriend is quite tolerant of my whining :D

Due to some quite heavy down pours our tent entrance started to look a little like a mud bath and the roof was running with water which called for a tent relocation... quite the task. Oh the joys of camping! Waking up on the floor made for a not so happy me. But after a warm shower I was ready to see what the next day had in store! We decided that taking a drive through the centre of the national park would be a great way to see much of the main sites that Exmoor has to offer. We stopped off and had a very long walk through an ancient woodland. It had a really lovely stream running through a valley which was lovely and peaceful although after days of walking more walking was quite the challenge…..
We then drove a bit further and stopped for a cream tea. Cant go to Exmoor and not have tea and scones! We then spent much of the afternoon driving across country and stopping to look at the views. We also went to a lake and had a little walk along the bank. We then got to see some more... you guessed it... ponies.

On our final morning at the camp site we reluctantly cooked our last meal and packed up the soggy tent, in the rain, and the wind…. And were off on our way home. But first we stopped off at porlock marshes. Couldn’t miss seeing that.
Panoramas taken by Dark-Matter97

After a week of rain, tent and packet noodles I was happy to return to a nice dry warm house. However I do miss the adventures we had on this holiday, the pub meals, the walks, ponies, fudge, cream teas, team tent building, cooking on the stove, fish and chips and having the chance to spend some quality time with the bf.
Just realised most of those highlights were about food…. Ahhaha

Did you go anywhere nice on holiday recently that you can recommend for my future adventures?



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