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Finding the light within the storm

January was a month of lockdown, isolation and teaching from home. A month of sunrises, walks and reading. Dancing, painting, snow falls and quiet. There was beauty where you looked for it. Moments of calm amongst this storm.

The snow bought a welcome relief. Some variety to living so cooped up. It felt lovely to feel such coolness in the air and to see the world looking so bright. I built a snowman and felt my worries slipping away. I enjoyed hot chocolates and cosy blankets.

February started off much like January but harder. Days working from home felt filled with stress and worry. Long days slumped over a laptop, grinding teeth and headaches, deadlines and lesson plans. However, it has also been filled with love. Valentines day, walks, yummy food and still more memories from this month to make. I wanted to share a few things that are lighting up my life so far in 2021. We all need to find the light in the storm.

I downloaded an app called one second everyday and I really recommend you do too. Its a video app that lets you record one second of your day, everyday. It has really helped me to find something to be thankful for every single day, from dancing in my lounge to daffodils and sunshine. From reading a book to squelching through the mud. I enjoyed 'mashing' the videos together for January and replaying my month in 31 seconds. It really helped me to see all that HAD happened and all that I HAD enjoyed. I cant wait to make this months and look back at all of my memories!

Iv'e really got into watching Disney World vlogs. I really enjoy watching Adam Hattan and Disney in Detail. I feel like I have been transported there. I get to see the castle and ride the rides. Pretend i'm eating Mikey shaped treats and saving the galaxy in Batuu. Its a lovely escape. I also enjoy picking out bits I would love to try if me and my partner do end up going for our honeymoon. Heres hoping (or wishing on a star!)

Iv'e also enjoyed busting my moves on Just Dance. Me and my partner tried the 30 day free trial of unlimited and it was incredible. I'm seriously considering buying it. There are so many good songs and there's nothing better than jumping up and having a boogie when you are feeling a little meh. During this third lockdown I have found it much harder to keep on top of exercising. I did okay in January but February feels harder in many ways. So now I have cut it back to basics, walks and Just Dance. If it gets me moving for a few minutes then that's exactly what I need. Talking of walks, I am beginning to resent going but always feel better once i'm out of the house. This is a public service announcement, if you cant remember when you last left the house... GET OUT OF THE HOUSE. 

I have finally managed to get on top of the housework. Id let the house become a bit of a dump and it desperately needed a deep clean. I spent a whole day pulling EVERYTHING out, wiping everything, washing everything. It feels so so good. Now I enjoy spending a little time each day straightening it out. It makes me feel more comfortable in my space and it adds something to my list that I can tick off for the day! 

Podcasts. Now I've said it once and ill say it again. Chris and Rosie Ramseys podcast is saving me right now. Feeling down, listen to the podcast. Doing some painting, listen to the podcast. Trying to make the walk around the block bearable, listen to the podcast. Its lovely (and I know this sounds very sad) to hear other peoples voices! If you are alone at home during these tough times and need a laugh id really suggest this podcasts. 

Reading. I really enjoyed Zoe Suggs new book "The Magpie Society". It was a great easy read with a few twists and turns. It was a great first book for me to read this month as its got me back into the swing of reading. I'm now half way through re-reading the Lord of the Flies. I'm finding it a little hard to get into but its still nice to snuggle under a blanket and switch off for a while. 

'The Expanse' on Amazon Prime is brilliant. I'm not usually one for a sci-fi but this is brilliantly written. It doesn't feel far fetched or ridiculous and the character development is superb. We are now on the final series and I couldn't be sadder that i'm getting close to the end. 

Getting creative. I enjoyed making my partner a candle for Valentines day. Watching the wax melt, adding the colour, scent, pouring. I also have enjoyed water colour painting although i'm not the best and I usually need to copy. I like mixing the colours and feeling the brush on the page. 

These are some of the things i'm doing that are currently bringing me joy. What are you doing to find the magic moments in the everyday?

Take care, 



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