I thought I would give an introduction to my teacher training experience thus far for those of you that are thinking of going into the profession. I am currently training to be a secondary school science teacher in the UK and I am training through the university route. I have currently been training for 3 months and I have picked up some tips to share before you dive right into your training.
- Get that school experience prior to starting the course. I worked as a teaching assistant for a year before starting my training and it has been invaluable. There is no way I could have trained comfortably this year without it. So many things that you learn as a TA stand you in great steads for starting your training. From knowing acronyms to computer programmes, from juggling your time to dealing with behavioural problems.
- Be prepared for those 12 hour days. Everyone says its hard and they are right. The 12 hour days really do knock it out of you. I usually get up at 5am to start working from 6am. I then finish work at around 4pm before coming home and working a couple of hours in the evening... zzzzzzz. Also there is no shame at that 8pm bedtime... it will happen! Make sure that you spend an hour a day doing all the necessary things to look after yourself. Drink a cup of tea, take a multivitamin, have a shower, eat properly. Believe me, time is short!
- Have one day off a week. Try really hard to have a full day off a week! Without it you really start to feel the hours come the end of term. Some lessons will not be planned properly, some university projects will not be finished to your high standard but looking after yourself is what is really important.
- Ask for help. As soon as something pops up that you don't understand then ask. Ask for help at home too. There's no way you can do it all.
- Create a support network. Network with school colleagues, university peers and other trainees at your school. There's nothing more important than feeling heard. Teachers have all been through this tough training year and know how difficult it really is.
- Its okay to feel overwhelmed. I've had multiple days this term that haven't gone to plan. Some days I've felt so stressed I didn't know if I could make it through the day. But you will. Just take it one day (or one lesson) at a time.
- Buy a notebook that you can use as your daily to do list. I have found this invaluable for jotting down things whilst on the go. Your brain is so full of things to remember that having this by your side helps take that pressure off.
- Get yourself a day to a page diary as well. Most schools do not provide you with a teacher planner so this really is amazing at keeping everything you need in one place.
- Buy a folder to keep your lesson worksheets separated. This folder has been a life saver. Label each section with your class name and keep all of your worksheets there. No more searching through one big folder for that one worksheet!
- Coloured biros. I have found these to be very helpful to use in my mini notebook. I can write a few notes in it after a lesson and know that those were my reflective notes to write up properly at a later date. It helps me plan my WROP's as well.
And that is the end of my top 10 tips so far. I'd love to hear your tips and tricks too.
Good luck to you!
Lozzy :)
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