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Digital Detox - My take

The endless scroll. The dragging of your thumb across your screen. The perfect bodies of models sipping cocktails on instagram, the opinions blasted out across twitter. Images or videos you look at and then scroll past, seemingly unaffected by their content. But what does this do for your state of mind?

I am guilty of this. Scrolling through instagram or tiktok and suddenly an hour has past and I don't know where that time has gone. I feel tired and down compared to when I first interacted with my social media accounts and it appears that I am not alone. 

It has been found that social media is more addictive than smoking and alcohol. Spending more than 2 hours on social media a day, has a poor impact on your mental health. With the average person spending more than 2 hours on their phones a day, this becomes a concern. 

Social media effects our self esteem when we compare our lives or bodies to others. The effect of FOMO (Fear of missing out) can make us feel inadequate. It can also effect how you sleep, your connection to others, your attention span and your memory. 

Social media can become a behavioural addiction which can lead to physical, social and psychological problems.  I think a lot of us are guilty of picking up our phones as soon as there is a pause in our day. In fact, the average brit picks up their phone 28 times a day! The draw to your phone while waiting at a bus stop or while sitting on your lunch break. This is where boundaries become essential and leads me into the point of this post...

'Digital Detox Day raises awareness about the negative impact social media can have on our mental health, and helps people to form healthier relationships with their devices.
The campaign is a collaboration between LUSH, Zoe Sugg, and mental health organisation #IAMWHOLE founded by Jordan Stephens. 
Digital Detox Day will take place all over the world on 5th September, when we will be asking people to step away from their phones for one whole day. ' -Digital Detox Day 

How do I know if social media is a problem for me? Do I need a digital detox? 

  1. Firstly, check your screen time. You can do this through your phone or individual social media app settings. See if this time is something you are comfortable with? How much of your day are you losing to scrolling?
  2. Take the Quiz linked here. What does this say about your connection to your feed. 
  3. What do you use your social media for? Social media can be a brilliant way to keep in contact with friends and family. It can help you connect with likeminded people that you may otherwise have not met. But if you are scrolling or dwelling on celebrities images is that benefitting you?
  4. How do you feel when you use social media? 
  5. How would you feel without your phone for a day? If you are like me and it makes you feel slightly anxious maybe that is a sign you need a detox.

How can you take part? 

'On the 4th of September, please share a post on your social media using our campaign symbol (the #IAMWHOLE circle with the word ‘OFF’ written inside) and tag it with #DigitalDetoxDay and @IAMWHOLEUK.'  -Digital Detox Day 

Tips for taking part:
  • Plan your day - this will help you to forget that you are even detoxing!
  • Get others involved - meet up with friends or family to detox together
  • Put your devices away - you will be less tempted 

But what can I do after Digital Detox Day? 

Try to set yourself boundaries and time limits on your use of social media: 
  • 'When you are waking up or going to bed
  • When you are working on a project or hobby
  • When you are spending time with friends or family
  • Before you go to sleep each night' - Very Well Mind
Research suggests that limiting your social media use to 30 minutes each day can improve your mental wellbeing. Worth a shot right?! Look at setting limits/ reminders in your app settings

Make sure you are following people that bring you joy instead of bring you down. 

Take small steps. If you spend 4 hours on social media a day there is no point setting a goal of half an hour a day. Start cutting your time down slowly overtime and you will be more likely to stick to it!

What I will be doing on digital Detox Day 

Reflecting on my feelings and relationship to social media so that I can come back with a more healthy outlook on my connection to it and steps going forward.

Spending time with loved ones. 

Doing things I enjoy - Arts, Gym, getting outdoors in nature. 

What will you be doing? 

Take care, 


Where I got my information from: 

Digital Detox Day 

Very Well Mind


Psychology Today

Young Minds

The Independent



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