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15 things to do this Autumn

Autumn is well and truly upon us and I couldn't be happier about it. Windier, rainier days are starting and the evenings are feeling ever darker and cosier. The tree outside my window is speckled with amber leaves. The resident fox seems to blend in with the foliage. Squirrels scurry away the left over nuts. Robins chirp a little louder.                                                                                                                                                                                I really want to make the most of the season. A season that marks such a renewal in nature feels fitting for this year thus far. Its nice to feel the year leading towards Christmas (too soon?). I always feel that September feels like a fresh start with the new school year and i'm determined to make this the best yet. 

  1. Blankets and Books - nothing to me screams autumn more than snuggling up with a blanket and a good light hearted read. Theres also that scarf I started to knit during lockdown to keep going with!
  2.  News pjs and snuggly socks. Now is the time to stock up on all things cosy! As the nights draw in my Pj wearing time increases. The once getting into pjs at 8pm creeps back to more like 5pm and im not mad about it. I'm going to be hunting for some nice snuggly ones (hopefully with woodland animals on).  
  3. Stews and soups. Out comes the slow cooker and time to cook up a storm (slowly). 
  4. Baking. My apple tree is full of lovely apples that need eating and to me that screams apple crumble...mmmmm. 
  5. Tis the season to whack out the layering. Gone is the tshirts and shorts and in with the scarfs and jackets. Long boots and knitted jumpers here we come!
  6. Berry lips and nails. Warmer eyes and bold eyeliner. Darker hair. 
  7. Welly walks for blackberries. Walking in the woods as the rain patters on your hood. Leaves slowly falling to the ground. squirrels leaping through piles of leaves. Hedgehogs snuffling. That is autumn. 
  8. Decorations galore! I am on the hunt for some autumn garlands and other autumnal goodies. I think a visit to a garden centre is in order. 
  9. A visit to a pumpkin patch/ pick your own.
  10. A visit to the arboretum. My partner and I do this every year (I have blog posts about our visits) and it has become a bit of an autumn tradition. Its lovely seeing all of the bright colours while walking hand in hand. Doughnuts and hot chocolates also add to this special day. 
  11. Halloween party. Plan a little get together for close family or just host with your house mates. Get a Halloween film on (I opt for children's ones as I hate scary movies) and carve some pumpkins. Don't forget your outfits too! Buy some sweets for any trick or treaters and hope none call so you can eat them all!

  12. Get a chai or pumpkin spice latte. Must I say anymore? 
  13. Have a cosy den movie night. Set up your den with fairy lights, plenty of cushions and snacks and snuggle up with a feel good  film or two. 
  14. Or have a games night. Blow the dust of your board games and get playing. Hopefully not too many arguments will break out! 
  15. Write your own autumn to do list. What would you like to do before the Christmas season begins?



  1. This is lovely to read. I loved the post and it made me feel cosy and want to do a lot of these things this Autumn! Thanks for stopping by my blog x


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