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Lockdown Favourites

It has been quite a while since I have written a blog post and quite a lot has happened in the world. I lost my job due to the pandemic and therefore have had a lot of time on my hands to reflect and reset but also feel quite bored. The first few weeks of lockdown was pretty nice. It was nice to be able to pick up hobbies I had neglected and slow down my pace of life. However, after that, I found it hard. My mental health took a huge hit due to my lack of routine and feeling lost without the purpose I felt work gave me. Fast forward a couple of months and it feels a little like a transformation. Like I was in the middle of the ocean during a storm. I didn’t know which way to sail, I couldn’t see the end, I didn’t know how long it would last. I feel much more content now. I think lockdown forced me to get to know my thoughts that I usually masked with keeping busy. It was uncomfortable but im glad it happened. On a lighter note, I thought I would share with you what I have been loving recently.


First of all TV. Every morning I have made the routine of getting up and having breakfast watching Love Island Australia. It is a guilty pleasure of mine but I have really enjoyed this start to the day. Occasionally I have been having a nice T2 tea as a treat. I really love vanilla style black teas and find this Melbourne breakfast one to be divine.

I watched 2 movies yesterday (like you do on a lazy Sunday) and both hit me in the feels. Maybe its hormones, maybe its emotional exhaustion but mostly I think its just really great writing. Firstly I watched ‘The Little Prince’. I read this book a while back and really enjoyed the child like adventure mixed in with adult thoughts on loss and growth. The movie was equally enjoyable. I loved the style of animation and the way it struck a cord with me especially during these times. It was a harsh reminder of the importance of seeing the positives in your life, feeling grateful and enjoying the moments we have as life is a blessing. I highly recommend.

I also watched the Eurovision movie which has just come out on Netflix. Now, my expectations were pretty low. I love Eurovision, I find it highly entertaining and a lovely way to bring so many countries together. I snuggle on the sofa every year and enjoy singing along and laughing. This movie was so much better than I expected. It was funny but didn’t take the mikey of the contest. If you want a good laugh and a feel good film give this a go!


I have found arts and crafts to be a god send over the last couple of months. It helps me to focus on something outside of my own head and feel accomplished when I have made something (such as these meditation stones I painted) . I was gifted a HUGE paint by numbers in the style of my favourite artists painting ‘starry night’ by Vincent Van Gogh.  I stick on a podcast and listen as I paint.

I also just bought a set of knitting needles and some wool from Hobby Craft. I used to knit as a child and had heard lots of people commenting on how knitting helps to calm their anxiety. During an anxiety attack I usually default to quite repetitive tasks/ motions and therefore thought that this would suit me well. It has been SO LOVELY. I like its repetitive nature, how I am watching my tiny scarf grow and how it soothes me.

Other Activities:

At the beginning of June, I set up a 14 day wellbeing challenge on my Instagram account @JustLozzy. It was a chance for me to find out what really worked for me when it came to activities and meditation styles. By the end of the 14 days I could create my own meditation that suited what worked for me. If you are interested please do have a look at my account. I shared 12 different mediation styles with a step by step guides on how to complete them. These are saved under my highlight ‘Joyful June’. I also share information on mental health and wellbeing in general. Its a space for people to learn and share.

Meditation is one of those things that I have struggled with in the past but equally have found really beneficial. I struggle to sit still with my mind for any length of time as my mind is pretty aggressively set on moving onto the next thing on my to do list. I feel like I am getting better at accepting these thoughts and emotions and letting them pass. I am by no means a pro but I feel like im getting there.

Being kind to myself. I am one to worry about everything. This can cause me to have physical symptoms such as tiredness, headaches and stomach aches. I have found lighting candles in the evening and settling down with a hot water bottle and a cuppa a really nice way to be compassionate towards myself. I think its so important to look after ourselves and our own needs.


I have been really enjoying the podcast ‘Sh**ged, Married Annoyed’ by Chris and Rosie Ramsey. Its really light hearted and fun and always gets me laughing. Episodes come out every Friday morning and I love doing my paint by numbers while listening. I have also loved listening to Fearne Cottons ‘Happy Place’ when out for walks. The conversations are really thought provoking and has really educated me more on mental health management.

Instagram accounts:

I have loved following Mrs Hinch and Stacey Solomon ‘s Instagram accounts during lockdown. They have really inspired me to find my love for cleaning. I find theres nothing better for the mind than having a safe, loving, clean and relaxing home to snuggle down to at night. Clean house clear mind and all that!


Right at the beginning of lockdown I read ‘The flat share’. It was a really lovely book to get me back into reading as it wasn’t a difficult read but had the pace to keep me interested. I have recently started two books ‘The power of now’ by Ekhart Tolle and ‘Good Vibes, Good Life’ by Vex King. These are both highly recommended and popular self help style guides from a spiritual/ meditation perspective. Both have really started to open my eyes to how the world and my brain works. Excited to keep reading and growing.

And that brings us to the end of my Lockdown Favourites. I hope some of these ideas come in handy if you are feeling stuck at home and stuck in your mind. I hope you are all safe and well. Please do come and say hi on my instagram account @JustLozzy for my Mental Health Mondays and Wellbeing Wednesdays. 

What have you been loving during lockdown?

Much love,


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