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Navigating Norway

During the summer, my partner and I took a holiday to visit his friend in the south of Norway. Our trip started off with a bumpy start as our flight couldnt land in oslo due to bad weather. We were redirected and missed our connected flight between Oslo and Kristiansand but spent the night in an Oslo airport (well a few hours zzzz).

While we were in Norway, we stayed in Sogne. We enjoyed seeing the lookout point and having soft ice (icecream covered in chocolate powder)! I had never seen so many tiny islands from a coastline before.

We drove to a cabin that was located in Brokke. The drive was about 3 hours and we loved seeing the beautiful fjords (including the widest in Norway - Byglandsfjord) and the waterfalls from the windows. We tried Norwegian style hot dogs which is a tradition that the family hold. The cabin was absolutely amazing and very traditional. I enjoyed how warming it felt with the wooden clad walls and stone floors. Its had a wood-burner and even a sauna!

We set off for an overnight hike which was incredible. We hiked for about 4-5 hours of very steep terrain. We set up camp next to a waterfall high up in the hills and I couldn't have felt more relieved to 1) have stopped walking 2) take my wet socks off and warm up by the fire and 3) EAT. We had salmon and vegetables cooked on the campfire and honestly I think its the best salmon I have ever had. I enjoyed the 3 of us sitting out in the wilderness knowing that there was no one for miles. I loved the feeling of adventure and fending for ourselves and also the peaceful feeling of looking out of our tents at such amazing scenery.

Cant say I had a comfortable sleep hugging a boulder. That night I thought I was going to be eaten by wolves as I felt an animals snout sniff my head... turned out to be a sheep. I had never been so glad of coffee the next morning.

During the hike back we found a huge amount of Chanterelle mushrooms which are a delicacy in Norway. We grabbed a whole bag full (worth about £60!) to give to our friends mum. The rain was really starting to pour but luckily we were homeward bound, mind cleared by the fresh air and definitely ready for a warm shower!

On our return to the cabin, we lit the wood-burner and drank 'Multe liquor' which is a liquor the family make out of Multeberries. It was so warming and delicious. That night we enjoyed eating and drinking while playing pick up sticks.

On the drive home, we stopped off at many amazing places to take some pictures (as seen below). I loved the harshness of the rocks with the softness of flowing water. The dried up glacial river was beautiful. It was amazing to see the smoothness of the rocks after thousands of years of erosion.

That night we were taken out crab fishing. I was absolutely terrified on the boat going out to sea as it was travelling so fast I thought I might die. The night sky was so clear and it felt like we were flying. I enjoyed seeing such a traditional way of fishing and felt a million miles from home.

I can safely say I have never felt so far from civilisation and so close to nature. I mean we saw bear claw scratch marks and everything! Norway you were epic!


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