Happy Easter all. I’m currently eating waaay too much
chocolate and drinking a glass of wine. Like you do. I haven’t done a chatty catch
up style blog post in quite a while now so I thought I would sit down and
reflect on what I’ve done, how I feel and what I’m loving.
I spent yesterday at Queen Elizabeth Country Park and it was
GLORIOUS. The sun was out and it was lovely to have a picnic with family and
really reflect on what matters. Sometimes life feels like it gets too much and sometimes
you just need a packet of crisps, some greenery and a bit of good ol’ sunshine
to get things back into perspective.
The last few weeks have been very unsettling. The boring adult
things really like bills, rent and jobs etc mixed in with an injury to top it
all off. I’ve had to be off work and been stuck at home for far too long and have
had way too much time to think. Anyone else get that way? Can’t wait to get
back to a bit of normality.
It’s getting closer to a year since I graduated and I’m still not in a job related to my degree, I don’t know
where to go next or what to do. I’m considering doing more training from September but that’s
also a daunting thought too. Why is being an adult so hard! I think I need a holiday
to Spain featuring beaches, pools and cocktails!
I keep doing things that I know help such as reading and
going for walks and meditating (the Headspace app is really good for anyone
looking at getting into meditation) but getting motivation to even do those
things is getting harder. Any advice would be very much appreciated!
ANYWAY enough of the whinging. I’ve found the glory of
cleaning through watching Mrs Hinchs’ Instagram stories and my god. I never
knew how satisfying watching cleaning videos could be. It nourishes my soul. I even
went to home bargains to top up on cleaning supplies and found that exciting… I
know. Thinking I’m older than my years to be honest. This has led to me deep
cleaning my house. Io be fair it has been lovely to be able to open the windows and let in
the spring breeze in now the weathers been nicer.
I’ve also been finding Louise Pentlands' weeklies to be a
joy to watch. I’ve been watching her videos since I was about 14 (7 YEARS
WHAT!) but recently they have been a god send. She is so down to earth and I find
her videos such a nice ‘check in’ at the end of the week. Her can do attitude
and kind nature is refreshing and I really recommend you check her out. Ive also been loving watching LadBaby. I've gone back and watched every video and every single one makes me laugh. They are family goals honestly.
I also love watching Shane Dawson and friends vlogs and
recently saw his fiancé Ryland, his sister Morgan and friend Garrett do a Painting tutorial following Bob Ross (what an icon) and it was hilarious. I
decided to do my own with my boyfriend and I highly recommend it. It was fun to
just play with paints and not really care about how it came out… ‘abstract’ I like
to say. Back to Shane. I've really been enjoying his documentaries. I feel like he's really doing what he loves and it shows in the high quality of his videos. I really recommend that you watch them.
I've been using pampering sessions as a form of relaxation
and self-care recently. I whack on a face mask get a hot drink and spend a few
minutes doing what I like (mostly watching the youtubers above tehe). I also got myself a
crochet your own elephant kit (not realising how hard crochet is) and so a ball
of grey wool is still sat on my living room floor… good.
Right, time for a game of Star Wars Battlefront 2 (Anyone who
plays, I’m one of those people at the bottom of the scoreboard that look like
they just loaded into the game but didn’t) maybe a walk to the beach and a hot
cross bun. Hope you all had a lovely Easter weekend.
Lozzy x
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