Happy Monday folks! Where has this last week gone? In fact, how has autumn nearly come and gone! Scarfs, candles, pumpkins, warm drinks and leaves, this time of year is so lovely. This season is always one for getting back into the swings of uni/school work and coming to terms with the fact that summer is now a distant memory, the nights draw closer and the weather gets more and more dreary with each coming day…. Yay? But after a few years of study, I feel like I have got into the balance of life/work but every year September brings around the challenge all over again. With what feels like mountains to do, sometimes the things I enjoy seem to slip. So, having just been set 5 projects all due by December, I thought now would be a good time to outline what I find are the best ways to manage those stressy times but still get what needs to be done… well… done! 1) Lists – an old but true suggestion. Write everything down. The stress of forge...
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