How life is speeding me by I can barely stop to see it
happen! My dad bought me flowers and I think
it’s the cutest thing in the world so thought I would document it on here to
stop me forgetting. Buy people flowers everyone.
Monday – Started the day with a work out which I am finding
really does help to get me ready for the day by both relaxing me but also by
helping me to concentrate. Spent the rest of the day sat at my laptop plugging
away at stats and not really knowing what I was doing and whether the seemingly
never ending numbers would… well… end. I have been finding it really difficult
to hit the deadlines and find the motivation to keep going with such a big
project. Have any of you got tips of how to find motivation?

Wednesday – had a driving lesson which was a success. Really
feel like im starting to get there! My test is coming up quite fast now and im
excited to just get it out of the way. Travelled to see my boyfriend and spent
the afternoon just catching up and its always so lovely to reconnect. Distance
is hard.
Thursday – Stats, asda, stats….. WOHOOOOOO…
Friday – FINISHED THE STATS. I am oh so pleased. The relief
is immense. I’ve got to make a poster for an assessment on it for a weeks’ time
so I’m hoping I can get that going this week! Pretty graphs people pretty
graphs! Also went out clubbing and it was lovely to just drink and dance and
let all the worries fade away.
Saturday and Sunday was spent walking around shops, having a
takeaway, watching movies and drinking coffee… cannot complain. Happy chappy.
Also also also Holland and Barrett flapjacks… that’s all I need to say. Yummmmmmmmm.
Monday – and here we are back at Monday. Travelled back home
today and I find that when I leave it’s like coming back to reality and the
mountains of work that’s piling up around me. Send help!! Anyone else feeling
like as soon as one things done another is in waiting. Had a nice time meeting
my mum at the shops and practiced driving back home again.
Im sat here reflecting my week and realising how challenging
it’s been. As you can see its been quite
a rollercoaster of a week that seemed to throw all things at me. So glad to be
starting this week knowing I can move forward with my work now. All up from
here! This week I will finish my poster and abstract, have a driving lesson, a
three hour lecture (whyyy) do two workouts, read my book and breathe. I must
admit I missed my yoga this last week, ate many more treats and the motivation
of my new years resolutions have started to slow…. Must keep going! We can do this
Have been struggling to keep going with this blog as the
stresses of exams and work start to set in and my creativity starts to drop. I
find that during these moments the important resolutions of mindfulness,
reading, me time and exercise are the most important but are most neglected. Going
to really make the effort this week to get back on top of things. I think that
means a yoga video, a meditation and a bath tonight. Just call me the Zen
Really appreciate all of you that have taken the time to
read this post. I really want to
continue this blog throughout the year and would love to hear about anything
you guys would like to see?
Till next time,
Lozzy x
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