Heya all,

Tomorrow I have my last driving lesson before my test next
week. AAAAAAAAAAAAAA. So so so so so so nervous. Can’t wait for it all to be
over. If any of you have any suggestions on how to stay calm and pass that test I would be very grateful.

After the doom and gloom of last week’s post I’m back to
feeling my normal self this week.. YAAAAAAAAAAAYYYY. Managed to finish off some
uni work yesterday so that was a relief with the next bit not due for a couple
of weeks. I can BREATHE.
I started with reflecting a bit more on what happened last
week and really aimed to get back on track with my reading and me time and
really found the benefits of this again. There was one day this week when my work was
really frustrating me. I was doing the typical ‘I’ll sit here and stare at my
work but not make any changes for a few hours and feel frustrated at myself’
thing. So I went for a very fast walk for about 10 minutes. At the beginning I was
walking so fast almost out of anger but by the end I looked up and made a point
of stopping and really seeing the world for a minute and seeing that this
project will be a thing of the past very soon and that in a years’ time ill
nearly have forgotten that it even existed. And low and behold it’s been handed
in and the world feels a little less stressful. 
This week was also Australia day and it did make me feel a
little home sick. We marked the occasion and I really enjoyed reminiscing about
things from home and generally just taking time with my family. Also the
pavlova was divine.
It was the bird watch this week and this is my moment to big
up citizen science and try my hardest to get everyone interested in wildlife.
I, myself, am really interested in the natural world and therefore took my
degree in it in order to learn more. But I think its important for everyone to
get a little connection with nature whether that be walking the dogs in
woods to taking a moment to watch the birds on the garden feeders. The RSPB
garden bird watch is a way to take some time out of the day to just sit and
really look at the wildlife that’s all around you and a way to add to science that’s
helping to highlight species that need our help. Also I enjoyed using my puffin
mug that a great friend of mine got me.

Hope you all had a good week
Get outside and really 'see'
Lozzy x
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