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'Christmas Tree, oh Christmas Tree'

Had such the chrismassy week this week! Think I have all my presents ready to go and wrapped up all pretty. I put up the tree at the weekend and took some pics to share with you guys because it’s just so pretty. My mum has been collecting decorations for years and I love the snowy icy theme. Also I love putting up the tree with my mum and we had a moment when we thought about how this probably will be my last Christmas living at home. Both exciting and a little sad. Think ill have to pop back next year and still set up the tree with her though. The boys in my house are no longer interested but I love getting it all just right… bit of a neat freak I knooooow. Loved listening to Christmas songs and singing along while we decorated. Really makes me start to feel Christmassy with the lights all warm in the evening.

Started the chocolate calendar this week too!.. and went to maccas and tried their cookie latte! All the yummy things!

This weekend I have really started to get back into my crafting. I have always really enjoyed anything artsy since I was a small child and I thought I would try my hand at water colour painting and I have really started to enjoy it. Next week I will probably post about my hand made Christmas cards that I have made for my family. Also I have started to do a Christmas (shopping ye olde scene) puzzle which is 1000 pieces and frankly my lack of patience has already made me had enough of it… must keep going... will update on progress.
This is my last week of the autumn term at uni so it’s the last push to get all those assignments in and then its FINALLY the Christmas holidays!!!!!!!!!! I have so many exciting things coming up like a visit down to see my boyfriend, a visit from a friend in Australia and going to Bristol for a night away which I am really looking forward too.
Have you all set up your trees yet and whats you favourite theme? Icy? Red and gold? Anything fun planned for the lead up to Christmas?
See you next week with Christmassy crafts!

Lozzy :)


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