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Study tips and tricks

Another week gone, where are you going November?!?!?
How have your weeks been?

Mine was a rollercoaster of a week. It started with a sickie bug that made me feel quite poorly and I watched The nightmare before Christmas which was very very strange. I don’t know what I thought of it to be honest….
The rest of the week I was a bit of a stress head with 3 projects to hand in. But im happy to report that I managed to get them all in… PHEW.
At the weekend I went to get my eyes tested and guess what… another few notches blinder than I was before so yay for me and my useless eyeballs. But I did go out for a chai latte and cake with my parents which was really lovely.

And here we be back at Monday again. Todays been a long day of study and I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to share with you my study day/ tips.

1)      Start the day off right! I went for a walk this morning and found that moving my body and getting some fresh air put me in the right mood to get some work done. I liked looking at the birds with the binos and saw these friendly cows too. Sometimes when its gloomy, frankly I don’t want to leave the house and I find doing something that I enjoy first thing makes me feel more prepared to work. That could be exercise, a tv show, reading a book etc

    2)  Beverages – COFFEEEEEEE. What a life saver. I make a coffee every time I’m sitting down to work and its become a great habit as its my way of telling myself that its time to work. Side note Nespresso have released their Christmas coffees and I’m in LOOOVE with the Snowball one which tastes of coconut. Yummyyyy

    3)  Study space – set up an area that’s free from distractions. I personally liked lighting this candle and sitting down to focus. I usually sit with my diary and prioritise tasks for the week and then for the day. I find this keeps me organised. Getting everything you need before sitting down stops the procrastinating ‘oh I forgot…’ that leads into 20 minutes of say yes to the dress……. Weakness.

   4)      Breaks – working for more than two hours at a time makes my brain fry. Having just 15 minutes of quality rest time really helps me be more productive throughout the day. And I emphasise 'quality' as not taking a break can lead to me getting distracted and scrolling through facebook having non quality rest that I count as me still working…. I find that I start work at around 10 and stop for an hour for lunch and then for half an hour at about 3. In these breaks I either watch a tv show or a youtube video that I choose in the morning and I use as an incentive to keep me going for that reward time.

   5)      Dinner – dinner time signifies the end of my working day. I find that with working into the evening I become very un-productive and stressed.

   6)      Do something you love – say well done to yourself after all that working and do something you really enjoy. For me this usually includes watching some tv and of course… you guessed it …   a bath J

And that’s it! Thanks for reading and happy studying
p.s. Any other study advice would be greatly appreciated

See you next week,

Lozzy J



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