Monday Monday Monday hello again!

Carved another pumpkin. Yes another one. This time rather spookier than the other! Me and my boyfriend also went to costa because hello Christmas drinks and more importantly hello cute Christmas cups! Enjoyed walking around the shops and taking in the Christmas lights, decorations and gift sets (yesss)… Had a rather blustery walk along the sea front and went clubbing so all in all quite a busy week. Oh and did a poster presentation and didn’t cry. So went well id say.
After last week being a little bit of a mess this one was so
much better! Spent a few days off, carving pumpkins, eating takeaway curry and lying
in bed for longer than I care to admit. Bliss. Although now I’m wondering if my
“much needed?” time off has really mucked up my schedule for the next half of
my uni term… gulp.
Instead of dwelling on the sheer mountain of work I need to
do I thought I would procrastinate further by chit chatting on here about my
week and sharing a few books on my shelf which I have loved and some waiting to
be read!

Carved another pumpkin. Yes another one. This time rather spookier than the other! Me and my boyfriend also went to costa because hello Christmas drinks and more importantly hello cute Christmas cups! Enjoyed walking around the shops and taking in the Christmas lights, decorations and gift sets (yesss)… Had a rather blustery walk along the sea front and went clubbing so all in all quite a busy week. Oh and did a poster presentation and didn’t cry. So went well id say.
Onto books!
As of late I have become quite lazy with reading. I really
loved reading ever since I was little with Jacqueline Wilson books lining my
shelves. What a legend! I really enjoy escaping life for a little while and
entering a completely new world. I went through the stage of teen novels as you
will see from my collection (hehe) and continue to purchase more book (the
amount I have backed up to read I’d rather not admit). So without further or do
heres my favourite books EVER:
On the note of childhood love of books, Jacqueline Wilson everyone!
Was anyone else a fan? I was DEFINITELY a fan. I really enjoyed reading these
books when I was younger and could never bear to part from them. My favourites
were ‘The Lottie Project’ and ‘The illustrated mum’. When I got this box set
for a present I was so excited and wanted to read them all at once
More recently:
‘The hunger games’ trilogy is probably my most re-read
books. Lovely and easy to read and I flick through them in no time but still
enjoy them every time I read them.
John Green is pretty much the god of teen writing and if you
haven’t read one of his books you are missing out massively! I’m hoping I will receive
his new book ‘Turtles all the way down’ for Christmas. My favourite of his
books was ‘Looking for Alaska’ but typically I have managed to misplace it. Cries.
Also really enjoyed ‘Paper towns’ which revolves around the mysterious Margo
who goes missing. With Christmas coming up I also recommend ‘Let it Snow’ as a
nice group of three short Christmas time romances that I’m excited to re-read
this year :D.
‘All the light we cannot see’ I read quite slowly over the
summer. I found the way it was written beautiful and the story line intriguing following
the life of a young blind girl in France during the war. However I found it
quite hard to keep reading as it was quite long but was nice to pick up every
now and again.
‘We were liars’ was a nice short read and a real page
turner. Following cousins on their grandparent’s estate and the mischief they
get up to until one night it all burns down.
I studied ‘the five people you meet in heaven’ for English and
was pleasantly surprised by how refreshing this small book was. It really hit
home to appreciate every second of life and to focus on the really important
things. The theme of turning points in life made this book very intriguing.
‘The girl on the train’ kept me glued for weeks. I thought I’d
jump on the band wagon and read it and I was impressed by the way it was
written and how emotionally involved I got to the characters. Lovely to read a
book with such strong voices. Well worth a read.
On my list of books up next to read include these three.
‘A sky full of birds’ which I have just started. It follows
the authors travels around England and how he comes into contact with different
creatures. The short chapters makes it a lovely book to dip in and out of with
the characteristics and personalities of birds explained so vividly and with
Iv heard many a good thing about ‘The Little Prince’ and had
to pick it up when I saw it.
Due to an offer being on this also meant that I came home
with ‘The Miniaturist’. Random book purchase and I'm interested to see here it
takes me!
All this book talk makes me want to buy the whole of a book
Has anyone read any of the books above and equally enjoyed
them? Any other books I should read? Id LOVE to hear recommendations!
See you next week
Lozzy J
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