2020 has been ... a year! I for one, and I'm sure like most of you, are very pleased to say goodbye to 2020. Its been a challenging year for all with illness, job losses and cancelled plans. Lockdowns, boredom and worry. But its also been a year for growth, time and space. I for one have cherished these things. I have seen quite a few posts popping up on my social media accounts talking of the mass cancellation of new years resolutions. About giving yourself a break and space to start 2021 slowly. I completely agree, 2020 has been a hard year and there is no point setting resolutions if they bring you more stress than good. However, I love making my resolutions each year. I enjoy focussing on what I have achieved and what I want to carry forward into the next year. I enjoy reflecting and looking at my 'bigger' life goals. This last year has been difficult and the next seems so uncertain. Usually I would be looking forward to travelling more and meeting up with family and ...
- Wellbeing - Personal Growth - Lifestyle -