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Showing posts from November, 2017

The daily life of a student commuter

Hello everyone, Welcome back to my blog. Today’s going to be a collection of the most annoying and strange things that have happened with my travelling life as a commuter student. Most of it is me having a rant..what changes. But before that let’s recap the week.  Had an okay week this week. Mostly was just finishing off a project and trying to stay motivated with my studies but also got to see the beautiful Christmas lights out and about :) . Also went to visit my boyfriend this weekend and it was so so lovely to have a weekend off and to catch up with him. Spent the weekend shopping for Christmas presents and just enjoying each others company. Also went to a pub for a couple of drinks Saturday afternoon as a nice little date. Picked up a new pair of glasses today and it feels like the last few month of eye sight have been a lie… THIS IS WHAT THE WORLD LOOKS LIKE. Just wrapped all my Christmas presents to the smooth voice of Michael Buble…sigh.. And here we are at Monday ...

Study tips and tricks

Another week gone, where are you going November?!?!? How have your weeks been? Mine was a rollercoaster of a week. It started with a sickie bug that made me feel quite poorly and I watched The nightmare before Christmas which was very very strange. I don’t know what I thought of it to be honest…. The rest of the week I was a bit of a stress head with 3 projects to hand in. But im happy to report that I managed to get them all in… PHEW. At the weekend I went to get my eyes tested and guess what… another few notches blinder than I was before so yay for me and my useless eyeballs. But I did go out for a chai latte and cake with my parents which was really lovely. And here we be back at Monday again. Todays been a long day of study and I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to share with you my study day/ tips. 1)       Start the day off right! I went for a walk this morning and found that moving my body and getting some fresh air put me...

Music and Meandering

Happy Monday peeps! After about 40 minutes talking to Clyde from Spotify… shout out to Clyde… I bring you my Spotify playlist although my account seems to hate logging in….yaaaaay. After a dropped connection, Clyde and I’s conversation was cut short so goodbye Clyde. Bet I made his evening…. Heres a link to my favourite songs of all time. I’d love to hear what songs you are loving right now. Hope you enjoy! My music picks   This week was pretty good as I had an excursion with uni which was pretty fun. Just walked around a massive estate and learnt about how they manage the land in an eco friendly way. The weekend was really relaxing. Went to Millets farm which is basically like a garden centre and farm combined…heaven ik. Had lovely soup which was great as the weather was pretty chilly! Was really nice to have a look at all of the Christmas decorations and start to feel excited for December to come. Looked through the food section and wanted to buy everythi...

Best books

Monday Monday Monday hello again! After last week being a little bit of a mess this one was so much better! Spent a few days off, carving pumpkins, eating takeaway curry and lying in bed for longer than I care to admit. Bliss. Although now I’m wondering if my “much needed?” time off has really mucked up my schedule for the next half of my uni term… gulp. Instead of dwelling on the sheer mountain of work I need to do I thought I would procrastinate further by chit chatting on here about my week and sharing a few books on my shelf which I have loved and some waiting to be read!   Carved another pumpkin. Yes another one. This time rather spookier than the other! Me and my boyfriend also went to costa because hello Christmas drinks and more importantly hello cute Christmas cups! Enjoyed walking around the shops and taking in the Christmas lights, decorations and gift sets (yesss)… Had a rather blustery walk along the sea front and went clubbing so all in all quite a busy...