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Showing posts from August, 2019

Unemployed and Unimpressed

Little did I know that one year post graduation I’d be sat on my parents’ sofa, numbing my brain with day time telly and caffeine. Walking to maccas for a now 11am breakfast (highlight of my week) and bribing myself to go on walks via Pokémon Go. Maybe I thought I was something more than the average person when id graduate, that I somehow deserved something better. That I could jump up that corporate ladder but here I sit, unemployed and unimpressed. God what a sob story. I was looking up at the stars last night (Looking for the meteor shower but that didn’t happen… typical) and it just hit me how insignificant I am. Maybe that sounds like I’m belittling my existence. I suppose in some ways I am. But not in the ‘god nothing matters’ kind of way but in the… well… positive ‘ it doesn’t matter’ kind of way. You know? Whatever I do I will still breathe, walk, talk and live (probably). In the grand scheme of things my actions do not influence a great deal of the universe. If I weren’t here ...