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Showing posts from March, 2018

Maltesers and Me

This week has been a restful and thought evoking one. Maybe it’s been the combination of the ‘beast from the east’ making a wintry wonderland of scandy drama vibes and/or the virus that had me bed ridden and maybe has caused the cabin fever to go to my brain. But this week I have really been thinking… who am I? Now hear me out. I’m not going on a journey of self-discovery where ill end up climbing mountains and contorting myself into yoga positions while soaking in the sun rise in the Bahamas (although that does sound good).   Instead it’s been more of the sat indoors watching copious amounts of youtube, movies and video games while eating family size packets of maltesers.   Now maybe this is my quarter life crisis beginning or maybe I have always been trying to work out what makes me… me. When looking back on my resolutions for this year it has hit me that all of them involve me trying to be authentically me. Anyone who watched dans video this week will understa...