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Showing posts from April, 2018

DIY Date, Dissertation, Driving, Run, Ramble and Reading

Hello all! So much to catch up on!!!! My boyfriend and I decided to have a date night at home last night and it was really lovely to open a bottle of red, snack on some olives and cook together. We had garlic flat bread and a side salad and made creamy spinach gnocchi and mushroom risotto using BBC Good Food recipes. It was delicious.   I managed to hand in that dreaded dissertation which was beyond a relief. Handing in something that has taken me a year to produce was quite the task. Feeling relieved that that is out the way and I only have my exams until I graduate! PHEW. I also have got back into my driving and have enjoyed being able to just drive out into the countryside and feel the freedom. I went for a run this morning. I know ...what a terrible idea. But it was really nice to get out in the misty rain and just run. Well run/walk with a lot of huffing. BUUUUUT I made it further than I was expecting. It was nice to feel the freedom running gives you when study f...